Swiss A330 Business Class Review One Mile at a Time

I checked in online for my flying to Zurich, so headed straight towards International Concluding Chiliad when I got to SFO. Security at SFO tin be bad, though fortunately they have CLEAR, which probably saved me 20 minutes.

I briefly visited the United Lounge in the international terminal, which is the erstwhile United Global Beginning Lounge, though information technology'south being used for all Star Alliance business class passengers at the moment. That'southward considering United is in the process of building their Polaris Lounge, and equally a upshot they've airtight their United Lodge for the time beingness. The lounge was so crowded that I decided to but sit in the gate area instead.

Ane affair I love most SFO's international last is the great views of planes available from many gates. Seriously, how stunning of a view is this?!

Swiss 777-300ER San Francisco Airport

I love Swiss' livery — information technology's unproblematic and elegant, and looks especially adept on the 777.

Swiss 777-300ER San Francisco Airport

My Swiss flight was departing from gate G100, and boarding was scheduled for 7:15PM. In reality boarding started at vii:20PM, with first class, business organisation grade, and Star Brotherhood gold passengers.

Swiss departure gate San Francisco

Swiss 39
San Francisco (SFO) – Zurich (ZRH)
Thursday, January 4
Depart: vii:50PM
Arrive: iii:50PM (+ane day)
Elapsing: 11hr
Aircraft: Boeing 777-300ER
Seat: 14A (Business Class)

I boarded through door L2, where I was pointed right towards my seat. Swiss' 777 concern class motel is massive, with a full of 62 seats. Between doors 1 and two is the first class motel, with 8 seats, plus a concern class mini-motel with two rows.

The rear business class motel has a total of 52 seats, spread across 11 rows, with five seats per row. In my opinion Swiss' new cabins are stunning. They're elegant and understated without being generic. They sure have their design down.

Swiss 777 business class cabin

Swiss 777 business organization class cabin

Swiss has a staggered configuration in concern class. The heart section of each row has ii seats, with the layout staggered in every other row. That's because the footwell for 1 seat is inbetween or to the side of the seats in front.

Swiss business form seats 777

Swiss business class seats 777

Then forth the windows the motel alternates between having i seat per side and having two seats per side. Each row has a total of five seats, significant that in one row the configuration will be 1-2-ii, in the next one it will be 2-2-1, etc.

The pairs of seats along the windows have slightly less personal infinite than in the center department. As you can run into higher up, each seat in the center has a large counter, while by the windows there'due south a unmarried shared counter between the two seats.

Swiss business organisation class seats 777

Swiss business class seats 777

No dubiety the most private seats in concern class are the "thrones," which are single seats by the windows. There'southward one of these in each row, meaning that there are a total of 12 of these in business class. If you don't have status with Miles & More than then yous can pay ~$200 to assign one of these in accelerate, which I did.

I was in seat 14A, which was in the fourth to final row of concern course.

Swiss business form throne seat

The amount of storage offered by these throne seats is unparalleled, and the privacy is pretty expert also.

Swiss business concern class throne seat

Swiss business class throne seat

To the left side of my seat was a massive counter where I could easily exit my laptop for the entire flight.

Swiss business grade seat storage

Higher up that count was an exposed storage compartment, perfect for headphones, chargers, etc.

Swiss business concern class seat storage

Underneath the seat and to the left were two storage compartments — one was exposed and one was fully enclosed.

Swiss concern class seat storage

There was a counter that was most as large to the right of the seat.

Swiss business concern form seat storage

On the counter to the right were the basic seat pre-sets.

Swiss business concern class seat controls

Above that was a console. One of the benefits of it was that information technology provided privacy. Hanging on the exterior of it was a glaze hanger. There was as well a water bottle holder and a reading light.

Swiss concern class seat

And so in that location was a storage compartment that could exist extended with the push of a button.

Swiss business concern class seat storage

The tray tabular array could exist extended from the correct side of the seat, and could be folded over in half.

Swiss business grade tray tabular array

The ability outlet was underneath the seat and to the side, and had both a 110v and USB adapter.

Swiss business class seat chargers

The personal television was on the seatback in forepart, and at that place was however some other storage compartment underneath it.

Swiss business class seat storage

The one downside to these throne seats is that the footwell can be pretty tight. Not only is the footwell itself a little chip smaller, merely you're too really cocooned into your seat, so it can exist tough to bend your knees while sleeping, etc. Information technology's a pretty tight squeeze.

Swiss business class seat footwell

Overall this is a corking seat, though I have ii other issues with information technology I wanted to briefly address. First of all, there were no individual air nozzles, which I detest, since I find that most airlines keep their cabins also warm. 2d of all, the seat was extremely hard, whether just lounging or trying to sleep.

Waiting at my seat upon boarding were a pillow and blanket, which I found to exist disappointing. The blanket was alright (though there are and so many better airplane blankets out at that place), though my bigger issue was how thin the pillow was. Equally someone who appreciates a plush pillow, I plant this one to exist atrocious, and would recommend bringing a sweater (or something) to rest your head on if flying Swiss business organisation course.

Swiss business class pillow & blanket

Also waiting at my seat were headphones, which were decent enough quality.

Swiss business class headphones

The assiduities kit was hanging from the hook on the seat when I boarded, and was a neck warmer and beanie. While I think information technology's a cute concept, I found it to exist impractical, as in that location was no fashion to close information technology. And then once you opened the "kit" things would just slide out.

Swiss business class assiduities kit

Speaking of the amenity kit, the contents were very basic. There was a toothbrush and toothpaste, eyeshades, socks, earplugs, and lip balm. There was a note indicating that further amenities were available upon asking.

Swiss business class assiduities kit contents

At seven:40PM the captain made his welcome aboard announcement and informed u.s.a. of our flight time of 10hr35min, and that we'd be starting our engines within 10 minutes and taking off within thirty minutes.

Five minutes later the crew came through the cabin with pre-deviation beverages, with the choice between orange juice and champagne. I had a drinking glass of champagne, which was served in proper glassware.

Swiss business class pre-deviation champagne

A few minutes later the crew passed through the cabin with warm towels and the menus for the flight.

Swiss business course warm towel

Swiss business class bill of fare

At 7:50PM the main cabin door was closed, with every business class seat taken (a few people were moved up in one case the door closed, and I'm guessing they were friends or family of the crew, based on the interaction). One thing I appreciated virtually the boarding process was how few announcements there were. On some airlines they make the same announcement a dozen times telling people to move out of the alley, etc. They didn't make a single announcement during the entire boarding process, and the first proclamation came from the captain. That sure made the boarding process seem less stressful.

Once the door was airtight the safety video was screened, and around the same time we began our pushback.

Swiss 777 business class cabin

Our taxi out took quite a while, and while we taxied the crew came through the cabin to make certain everyone had their shoulder harness on. At viii:15PM nosotros were cleared for takeoff on runway 28L. Shortly earlier takeoff one of the pilots announced "cabin crew expect takeoff in 20 seconds." Gotta love Swiss precision. 😉

View later takeoff from SFO

As nosotros climbed out I browsed the entertainment selection. The first thing I noticed was that the screen was very high resolution. Furthermore, I appreciated that at that place were no ads before any of the programming.

Swiss business form amusement selection

The entertainment selection itself was just alright. It wasn't terrible, but can't compare to what's offered by Emirates, Qatar, Singapore, etc.

Swiss business form entertainment selection

Swiss business organization class entertainment choice

Swiss business class amusement selection

I ended upward watching a few episodes of the British comedy "Saucepan," which I had never heard of before, but enjoyed.

Swiss business concern class amusement selection

I too briefly checked out the airshow.

Airshow enroute to Zurich

Airshow enroute to Zurich

Swiss has Wi-Fi on their 777s. Unfortunately they charge based on data, and information technology'due south not inexpensive. Information technology'due south not the most expensive Wi-Fi in the heaven, though information technology's non equally skilful equally Lufthansa, for instance. I as well swear the data usage is calculated faster on Swiss than other airlines somehow. I bought a 120MB package and ran out in less than 30 minutes, and that was without heavy use (and I made sure there was goose egg going in the background).

Swiss Wi-Fi pricing

The seatbelt sign was turned off about x minutes after takeoff, at which point I checked out the lavatory. There are three business class lavatories, which only barely does the trick for a 62 person cabin.

Swiss business class motel 777

The lavatories were on the small-scale side, though were fairly nicely appointed.

Swiss business class lavatory

Swiss business class lavatory civilities

xx minutes subsequently takeoff the flight attendants came through the cabin to take repast orders. The dinner bill of fare read as follows:

The potable list read as follows:

Within 35 minutes of takeoff the crew was rolling carts down the alley with the first drink service. I had a glass of the South African sauvignon blanc and a sparkling water. I was offered mixed nuts to keep with them.

Swiss business class dinner — champagne, sparkling water, and mixed basics

Subsequently the initial drinkable service it was 40 minutes until the side by side cart was rolled down the aisle, which had tablecloths and drink refills.

Swiss business class table setting

Immediately behind that was a cart containing the first class, which was served on a tray.

Swiss business class dinner — appetizer, salad, and cheese plate

In that location were two choices of appetizers, and I selected the sesame crusted tuna. The starter was pretty good, but the tuna was a bit on the rubbery side.

Swiss business class dinner — appetizer

Then there was a pretty basic side salad, with cucumbers and cherry tomatoes.

Swiss business organization class dinner — salad

At that place was also a basic cheese plate, with ii types of cheese and four grapes.

Swiss business class dinner — cheese plate

I was too offered a selection from the breadbasket, and chose the pretzel breadstuff.

Swiss business class dinner — staff of life & olive oil

It was some other 40 minutes until the cart with the chief courses was rolled down the aisle. I ordered the beef tenderloin with gnocchi. While the cut of meat didn't seem similar it was the highest quality, at least information technology wasn't way overcooked. The beef's accompaniments were quite good.

Swiss concern course dinner — main form

25 minutes after the primary course, dessert was served. The simply option was a pistachio and apricot tart. While it tasted fine, it was too hard, and in that location wasn't fifty-fifty a way to easily swallow it with the spoon. This wasn't ane of the amend airplane desserts I've had.

Swiss business class dinner — dessert

Subsequently dinner a flying attendant came through the cabin with a box of chocolates.

Swiss business class dinner — chocolate

The repast service was done nigh 2hr20min subsequently takeoff, which I thought was a bit irksome for a redeye flight with meals served on trays. As far as the food quality goes, I thought it was decent, maybe simply slightly in a higher place average. I've had better, but I've besides had worse.

The service felt like an associates line, then it'due south non personalized in whatever way. This is something Lufthansa does well, as they at present have a single flight attendant defended to each section of the cabin, rather than having flight attendants roll a cart all the style downwards the aisle. The crew seemed quite friendly, though there but wasn't much opportunity for interaction, equally you felt like you were just a pace of their assembly line.

I matter I appreciated was that the crew was proficient with drink refills. For airlines with like service concepts, sometimes you basically have to beg for drinkable refills, though this coiffure was pretty proactive. That'south thanks to the fact that they had a total bar on each cart they rolled down the aisle.

Airshow enroute to Zurich

Airshow enroute to Zurich

After dinner I reclined my seat and tried to get some rest. I was able to get some sleep, though not that much, unfortunately. I slept for about three.v hours, until we were 4.5 hours from landing in Zurich. While the throne seat was smashing in terms of the privacy it afforded, the footwell was tight, the seat was really hard, the pillow was crap, and the cabin was warm, so it wasn't the ideal sleeping environs. We were only starting our Atlantic crossing at this signal.

Airshow enroute to Zurich

Since I couldn't get back to slumber I decided to get some work done and ordered a mint tea.

Swiss business class hot tea

Our Atlantic crossing was pretty choppy, and the seatbelt sign went on several times. The crew didn't make whatsoever PAs when the sign went on.

I worked for about 2.v hours, and then just under 2 hours earlier inflow the crew distributed tablecloths for the breakfast service.

Airshow enroute to Zurich

The breakfast menu read as follows:

The actual breakfast was served about 1hr45min out. In one case once more everything was off a cart, though this time around it was buffet-mode, equally the crew had a big bowl of bircher muesli, a big bowl of fruit, etc., and y'all could point to what you lot wanted so they'd make yous a basin. As a concept I appreciate this.

Swiss business organization class breakfast

For breakfast I had the bircher muesli and fruit salad, both of which were excellent.

Swiss business concern course breakfast — fresh fruit and bircher muesli

I also had the egg dish, which was served in a tiny bowl. On the card information technology was simply described as a "warm egg dish," though subsequently cutting into it I realized it was a ham omelet, which I'm not a fan of.

Swiss business organization class breakfast — egg dish

I had java to potable, and likewise selected a croissant from the breadbasket. While dinner was served from front to back, breakfast was served from back to front.

At this point virtually people in the cabin were awake, so I opened my blinds to look exterior.

View approaching Zurich

40 minutes before landing the beginning officeholder fabricated a pre-landing announcement, informing us that we were passing Paris and would be descending soon for an on-time arrival. He said the atmospheric condition in Zurich was about the same as in San Francisco, which caught me off baby-sit in winter. Moments afterward the coiffure started preparing the cabin for inflow.

Airshow approaching Zurich

View approaching Zurich

View approaching Zurich

We had a choppy descent, but a smooth touchdown at 3:45PM.

Touchdown Zurich

Taxiing Zurich

From in that location it was just a two minute taxi to our inflow gate, where we parked next to some other (gorgeous) Swiss 777.

Swiss 777 Zurich Airport

Swiss 777 business course lesser line

Swiss is mostly regarded as a slap-up make, though their business grade didn't leave me impressed. The seats themselves are fine, though the staggered configuration isn't really competitive with Apex Suites and reverse herringbone seats, in my stance.

Unfortunately not much else about the feel delights either. The crew was friendly though I found the seat to be mode too hard, the cabin warm, the bedding awful, and the nutrient unmemorable.

I certainly wouldn't go out of my manner to avert Swiss, though I can't say I'k dying to fly them again in business class.


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